Eyelash extensions are one of the biggest
trends to hit the beauty industry in recent years, with
the trend for longer, fuller and more volumised lashes
being fashioned by many A-list celebrities.
If you've ever wondered how the celebs achieve such
natural looking lashes, then keep on reading because
Eyelush can reveal one of the best kept celeb beauty secrets.
If you'd rather steer clear of the fake and heavy look and
its more of a subtle and natural look you're after, Eyelush
offers you the opportunity to receive this luxurious treatment
- resulting in longer, thicker and fuller lashes. Once you've
experienced Eyelush eyelash extensions, you'll wonder
how you ever lived without them!

Your one-stop for luscious lashes
Contact Eyelash
Email: info@eyelush.com
Phone: 07525 536 537
Web: www.eyelush.com
A full set of Eyelush eyelash extensions involves a 2-2.5 hour appointment with a full consultation. During the consultation a look will be chosen to compliment both your lifestyle and your eye and face shape. All looks will be specifically tailored to each individual client and you will be able to choose from the following Eyelush looks:
Eyelush Natural: If you like your appearance to be subtle and naturally beautiful, this is the look for you. Approximately 50 fine lashes will be applied to your natural lashes to create a soft and defined look, a great one to try if you're new to semi permanent eyelash extensions!
Eyelush Anti Ageing: Want to look ten years younger? This look will open up your eyes with an instant anti-ageing effect, perfect for clients who are looking for non-surgical anti-ageing treatments. 50-70 lashes will be applied to your natural lashes with particular attention being paid to the centre of the eye, achieving a natural lifting effect.
Eyelush Cat Eye: If Angelina Jolie's eyes are your envy, then choose this huge celebrity trend that gives the eye the 'feline' look. 70-100 lashes will be applied to your natural lashes with a particular focus on the outer edges of the eye, where longer eyelashes will be applied, giving all the 'coy and mystery' of our feline friends.
Eyelush Va Va Voom: If it's full, curly and voluminous eyelashes you're after then get the va va voom look. 100-120 lashes will be applied to your natural lashes giving lots of volume and definition giving a perfectly defined mascara finish.
Eyelush Extreme: For those who want their eyes to have maximum impact, this look gives full on red carpet glamour. 120-150 lashes will be applied to your natural lashes focusing on length, volume and curl, the perfect look for that special night out on the town!
Removal: Eyelush eyelash extensions can be removed for you by an Eyelash therapist in an easy and painless procedure by removing them one by one. You must not attempt to remove them yourself as it may cause damage to the natural lashes if the correct procedure is not followed. Complimentary removal is offered when purchasing a new full set of eyelashes. Removal only charged from £20.